Lately, I have been working on a Feather and Fan shawl from handspun. The fiber is 4 ozs of Falkland from Fat Cat Knits in a colorway called Apples and Geraniums. It spun up at 568 yards of single ply, and the singles (knit on 5's) give interesting ripples of color.
When I was married, we gave my in-laws a Cuisinart one Christmas. My MIL liked to do themed dinners, and we assumed she was the one who would "own" the gift. But we were wrong. My FIL started a garden, and bought all the possible attachments to the Cuisinart, and did more decorative things with vegetables than I knew could be done. He made shelves and shelves of jars of pickles. But the things that I found fascinating were the coleslaws he made with ornamental cabbages. He would create bowls of slaw that looked like marbled paper with the diversity of color and placement. It was such a treat. For us and for him.
This shawl reminds me of those cabbages.
Didn't know you could eat those ornamental ones. Too bad you couldn't keep him. You going to name this shawl "Coleslaw"?