I guess we all hear the expression "Make hay while the sun shines" when we're growing up. We associate it with taking advantage of opportunity, usually in business. But when you have a farm, it takes on new shades of meaning.
Weather governs so much. Processes take a certain amount of time. Haying is at least a three day process -- a day to cut, a day or so to dry and be turned, a day to bale and bring into the barn. Any rain during the process, and you can lose your crop. Hay is what gets you through the winter, and is too precious to lose.
Similarly, dyeing and drying wool requires some sun, some warmth, some lower humidity. We've had a few nice days lately, and I've taken advantage. One of the projects I do with my wool is to have blankets made. More on that another day. Last year, I was right down to the wire on getting my wool to the spinnery. And this last couple of pounds -- that was slated for blankets -- didn't make it into the box. So a few days ago, it got dyed and is planned for handspinning, mixed with some black wool and a little white mohair.